Islands of Island
10.8 — Vallisaari, Alexander Battery
Photo: Kyungwoo Chun
Kyungwoo Chun’s works are based on situations and encounters revolving around the concept of empathy. With his work for the Helsinki Biennial, he wishes to remind us of the importance of speaking and listening, especially during this age when our lives are ruled by a constant barrage of information, social media and consumerism. In Islands of Island, Chun asks visitors to write a letter to someone eager to hear from them. The letters are to be written on red pieces of cloth, after which the writer is requested to wrap the cloth around something found on the island: a twig, leaf, pebble or clump of earth. The letters will remain anonymous, their content hidden from all eyes but the writer’s. Gradually the small red bundles will fill the grassy field in front of the Alexander Battery.
The participatory events related to the work will be held in Vallisaari at Alexander Battery during 1-5th of July and 9-12th of August at 12-17.00.
No pre-registration.