It Occurred to Me, But a Bit Too Late
10.7 — Esikuntatalo, Vallisaari
Meiju Niskala has created a participatory work in which visitors roam the island’s rocky shores and meadows following instructions they hear via a headset. This public art happening is informed by Niskala’s background as a performance artist and writer. The work can also be described as a poetic and participatory audio work revolving around various types of encounters, with people encountering themselves, other people, nonhuman species and the environment. Niskala describes her practice as one of radical empathy. She believes that empathy should play a bigger role in society, especially in today’s troubled times: now more than ever, we need the desire and ability to understand each other better.
Venue: Esikuntatalo
Performance times: 12:00, 13:00, 15:00, 16:00 and 17.00
Lenght: about 30 minutes
No pre-registration.