Sukella pisaraan
26.8 — Annantalo
Photo: Ulla-Maija Alanen
The importance of water, the human–nature connection, and the power of life bring this dance performance to life. The dance performance is linked to Ulla-Maija Alanen’s work of art Majakka. The collective dance performance will be performed on Annantalo’s yard on 26 August 2021 and will be created in cooperation with a school class selected as a partner. A free-of-charge public workshop will be organised in connection with the performance.
The performance and the workshop will be organised as allowed by the current COVID-19 situation.
Sukella pisaraan
Annantalo, Annankatu 30. Free admission.
1 June – 4 July, weekdays 9–17, Sat–Sun closed
Sat 12 June, 10–16
5 July – 31 July, Mon-Fri 10–16, Sat–Sun closed
1 August – 19 December, weekdays 8–20, Sat 10–16, Sun closed
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