Guided Tour: First International Festival of Manuports with curator Anders Kreuger. Meet The Artist: Oscar Chan Yik Long
04.9 klo 13:00 — Kohta
Time: 13:00–14:00
Location: Kohta, Työpajankatu 2 B, building 7, 3rd floor, 00580 Helsinki (Teurastamo inner yard)
No pre-registration required.
Contemporary Manuports from all over the world. Murals by Oscar Chan Yik Long and Pavel Mikushev.
For this exhibition Kohta decided to test the feasibility of the open call format. We advertised globally, and specifically in Finland and Sweden, asking anyone self-identifying as an artist to send us a ‘manuport’. This is the archaeological term for ‘a natural object, especially a stone, that has been carried and deposited somewhere by humans but has not been artificially shaped.’
Kohta proposed a world-wide collective exercise in ‘futuring’ this ancient heritage. At the same time we wanted to revive the artistic internationalism of the last century, not least the mail art movement with its important contributions from both ‘centres’ and ‘peripheries’. By not putting the more than 300 submissions through any form of selection we privileged the freedom of artists to create and exhibit over the right of the institution to judge and organise.
A kunsthalle must always have a show that communicates with the world of art at home and abroad and hopefully unites the experimental and the exquisite. We have therefore also invited two artists with extensive experience of making murals, Oscar Chan Yik Long and Pavel Mikushev.
More information:
Photo: Jussi Tiainen