Ulla-Maija Alanen: Veden taju / Majakka
12.6 - 30.9 — Annantalo
Photo: Ulla-Maija Alanen
Veden taju is a journey that flows from one exhibition place to another like water – like the outlets of a delta eventually joining the sea.
In Ulla-Maija Alanen’s works, art and natural sciences walk hand in hand. In Veden taju, art, science, children’s interpretations, and professional artists’ work focus on exploring underwater life. The resulting stories will become visible in the Annantalo second floor gallery exhibition and in the audio-visual Majakka installation on the yard. Composer-musician Maija Ruuskanen has created the work of art’s soundscape.
In cooperation with the Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE) / Marine Research Centre.
The exhibition will be open from 12 June to 28 August 2021. The Majakka installation will be on display from 12 June to 30 September 2021.
Ulla-Maija Alanen: Veden taju / Majakka
Annantalo, Annankatu 30. Free admission.
1 June – 4 July, weekdays 9–17, Sat–Sun closed
Sat 12 June, 10–16
5 July – 31 July, Mon-Fri 10–16, Sat–Sun closed
1 August – 19 December, weekdays 8–20, Sat 10–16, Sun closed
More information about the events: http://www.annantalo.fi/en/