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Helsingforsbiennalen är ett internationellt bildkonstevenemang som visar samtidskonst av hög kvalitet i Helsingfors skärgårdsmiljö. Biennalen ordnas nästa gång 8.6–21.9.2025 på Skanslandet, i Esplanadparken och på HAM Helsingfors konstmuseum.

“The Helsinki Biennial could be Europe’s coolest new arts festival”


“An international extravaganza which – two months in – has outstripped even the expectations of its organisers, and simultaneously brought life and meaning back to a forgotten island with a chequered past.”

The Telegraph

“From awe-inspiring sculptures to mind-bending installations and captivating performances, this new biennial embraces both established and emerging artists in a mesmerizing showcase of artistic excellence.”


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